Ledger® Live* Desktop

Unleash the full potential of your cryptocurrencies with Ledger Live Desktop. From simple asset management to advanced trading features, empower your financial freedom today.

Ledger Live Desktop incorporates several security features to help protect your cryptocurrency assets. Here are some of the key security features:

  1. Device Authentication: Ledger Live requires you to connect a Ledger hardware wallet device (such as Ledger Nano S or Ledger Nano X) to your computer to access your accounts. This provides an additional layer of security by requiring physical access to the device to authenticate transactions.

  2. PIN Code: Each Ledger hardware wallet device is protected by a PIN code. When you connect your device to Ledger Live, you'll need to enter the correct PIN code on the device to unlock it and access your accounts.

  3. Secure Element: Ledger hardware wallets feature a secure element chip, which is a tamper-resistant component designed to securely store private keys and execute cryptographic operations. This enhances the security of your private keys and protects them from unauthorized access.

  4. Passphrase Support: Ledger Live supports the use of a passphrase (also known as a "25th word") as an additional security measure. A passphrase is an optional additional word that is combined with your recovery phrase to derive your private keys. This adds another layer of security, as even if someone obtains your recovery phrase, they would still need your passphrase to access your funds.

  5. Firmware Updates: Ledger Live regularly prompts users to update the firmware on their Ledger hardware wallet devices. Firmware updates often include security enhancements and bug fixes, so it's important to keep your device's firmware up to date to protect against potential vulnerabilities.

  6. Account Recovery: In the event that your Ledger hardware wallet is lost, stolen, or damaged, Ledger Live provides a recovery process that allows you to restore your accounts onto a new device using your recovery phrase. It's crucial to keep your recovery phrase secure and never share it with anyone.

  7. Address Verification: When sending cryptocurrency transactions using Ledger Live, you can verify the recipient address displayed on your Ledger hardware wallet device's screen to ensure that it matches the intended destination. This helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and ensures that you're sending funds to the correct address.

  8. Encrypted Data: Ledger Live encrypts sensitive data, such as your account information and transaction history, stored on your computer. This helps protect your information from unauthorized access in case your computer is compromised.

By incorporating these security features, Ledger Live Desktop provides users with a secure platform for managing their cryptocurrency assets and conducting transactions with peace of mind.

Last updated